H. Schlögl, A. Villringer, K. Miehle, M. Fasshauer, M. Stumvoll, K. Mueller, 2023, "Metreleptin robustly increases resting-state brain connectivity in treatment-naïve female patients with lipodystrophy", Journal of the Endocrine Society.
H. Schlögl, L. Janssen, M. Fasshauer, K. Miehle, A. Villringer, M. Stumvoll, K. Mueller, 2023, "Reward processing during monetary incentive delay task after leptin substitution in lipodystrophy - An fMRI case series", Journal of the Endocrine Society.
E. Williams, M. Kienast, E. Medawar, J. Reinelt, A. Merola, S. A. I. Klopfenstein, A. R. Flint, P. Heeren, A.-S. Poncette, F. Balzer, et al., 2023, "A standardized clinical data harmonization pipeline for scalable AI application deployment (FHIR-DHP): Validation and usability study", JMIR Medical Informatics (JMI).
K. I. Paul, K. Mueller, P.-N. Rousseau, A. Glathe, N. A. Taatgen, F. Cnossen, P. Lanzer, A. Villringer, C. Steele, 2023, "Visuo-motor transformations in the intraparietal sulcus mediate the acquisition of endovascular medical skill", NeuroImage.
L. Lampe, H.-J. Huppertz, S. Anderl-Straub, F. Albrecht, T. Ballarini, S. Bisenius, K. Mueller, S. Niehaus, K. Fassbender, K. Fliessbach, et al., 2023, "Multiclass prediction of different dementia syndromes based on multi-centric volumetric MRI imaging", NeuroImage: Clinical.
R. Torrecuso, K. Mueller, Š. Holiga, T. Sieger, J. Vymazal, F. Růžička, J. Roth, E. F. Růžička, M. L. Schroeter, R. Jech, et al., 2023, "Improving fMRI in Parkinson's disease by accounting for brain region-specific activity patterns", NeuroImage: Clinical.
D. Kiakou, A. Adamopoulos, N. Scherf, 2023, "Graph-based disease prediction in neuroimaging: Investigating the impact of feature selection", Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (AEMB).
P. Paschou, Y. Jin, K. Müller-Vahl, H. E. Möller, R. Rizzo, P. J. Hoekstra, V. Roessner, N. Mol Debes, Y. Worbe, A. Hartmann, et al., 2022, "Enhancing neuroimaging genetics through meta-analysis for Tourette syndrome (ENIGMA-TS): A worldwide platform for collaboration", Frontiers in Psychiatry.
M. Polyakova, K. Mueller, K. Arélin, L. Lampe, F. S. Rodriguez, T. Luck, J. Kratzsch, K.-T. Hoffmann, S. Riedel-Heller, A. Villringer, et al., 2022, "Increased serum NSE and S100B indicate neuronal and glial alterations in subjects under 71 years with mild neurocognitive disorder/mild cognitive impairment", Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.
K. Mueller, F. Růžička, M. Slovák, Z. Forejtová, P. Dušek, P. Dušek, R. Jech, T. Serranová, 2022, "Symptom-severity-related brain connectivity alterations in functional movement disorders", NeuroImage: Clinical.
L. Maiello, L. Ball, M. Micali, F. Iannuzzi, N. Scherf, R.-T. Hoffmann, M. Gama de Abreu, P. Pelosi, R. Huhle, 2022, "Automatic lung segmentation and quantification of aeration in computed tomography of the chest using 3D transfer learning", Frontiers in Physiology.
R. Jech, K. Mueller, 2022, "Investigating network effects of DBS with fMRI", Connectomic Deep Brain Stimulation.
R. Torrecuso, K. Mueller, Š. Holiga, D. Urgosik, J. Vymazal, T. Sieger, F. Růžička, E. Růžička, M. L. Schroeter, R. Jech, et al., 2022, "Different brain areas require different analysis models: fMRI observations in Parkinson's disease", ISMRM 31st Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
E. Williams, M. Kienast, E. Medawar, J. Reinelt, A. Merola, S. A. I. Klopfenstein, A. R. Flint, P. Heeren, A.-S. Poncette, F. Balzer, et al., 2022, "FHIR-DHP: A standardized clinical data harmonisation pipeline for scalable AI application deployment", Medrxiv.
L. Hahn, S. B. Eickhoff, K. Mueller, L. Schilbach, H. Barthel, K. Fassbender, K. Fliessbach, J. Kornhuber, J. Prudlo, M. Synofzik, et al., 2022, "Resting-state alterations in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia are related to the distribution of monoamine and GABA neurotransmitter systems", Medrxiv.
K. I. Paul, K. Mueller, P.-N. Rousseau, A. Glathe, N. A. Taatgen, F. Cnossen, P. Lanzer, A. Villringer, C. Steele, 2022, "Visuo-motor transformations in the intraparietal sulcus mediate the acquisition of endovascular medical skill", Biorxiv.